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Ophélie Paquet

5 Ways to Make Flights More Comfortable

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

woman with headphones on a plane looking at phone in her hand

Whether you are moving OUTCAN, back to Canada, or planning a fun holiday, you have a lot of flights ahead of you, some of them very long.

While travelling is probably something you are looking forward to, the journey to get to your destination rarely is.

Flights can be stressful, uncomfortable, and boring. With this in mind, here are five things to make travel more comfortable.

1. Choose your seats

You probably have a preference as to where you like to sit on a plane.

A lot of people prefer the window seat for the view - mostly during take-off and landing. Having the window seat also gives you a little more space and allows you to lean on the side of the plane, which might make it easier to sleep.

However, some people prefer the aisle seat, which allows you to get up without climbing over your neighbours (helpful if you have a small bladder or need to stretch your legs often). It also gives you a bit more leg room as you can extend your legs into the aisle slightly (although, keep in mind to be careful not to trip people).

Most airlines allow you to choose your seats ahead of your flight. Make sure to check in early to have some options. On some flights, it is also possible to book seats with more leg room, although these cost a bit more.

Being able to choose your seats will make your travel more comfortable, and you won’t find yourself stuck in a middle seat for eight hours.

2. Bring snacks and a refillable water bottle

You are not allowed to bring any liquids over 100mL past security at the airport. However, you are allowed to bring an empty water bottle and most airports have fountains where you can fill it up.

Flying can be very dehydrating and drinking water during your flight(s) will make the journey more comfortable. You do get served drinks on the plane, but I find that they are few and far between, especially on long journeys.

While it’s possible to buy water at the airport, having a refillable water bottle allows you to make sure that you always have water with you, especially if you are rushing between flights and don’t have time to stop and buy water. It’s also better for the planet!

The same goes for snacks. You are able to get snacks in airports, and you will probably be offered food on the plane (although, depending how long your flight is, this is not always guaranteed). However, bringing snacks with you guarantees that you have something to eat that you like, even if you don’t have time to buy anything and hate plane food.

3. Wear layers

When travelling by air, you are sure to experience many different temperatures. Between your point of origin, the airport(s), the plane(s), and destination, you may go from warm to cold to freezing to warm again.

In shared spaces such as airports or planes, you have no control over the temperature. And, chances are, you will feel too cold or too warm.

The only way to avoid being uncomfortable in these changing conditions is to wear layers. If you wear only a t-shirt, you may get cold on the plane. In you wear a sweater with nothing underneath, you’ll probably be too warm at some point in your journey.

Wearing layers allows you to take off and add on depending on the temperature, and you’ll always feel comfortable during your journey. There is nothing worse than spending eight hours shivering or sweating in the tight environment of a plane.

4. Travel light

This may not be realistic if you are on your first flight to or your last flight from your posting as you will have a lot to bring and will probably need a lot of that with you on the plane.

However, if you can, travelling is much more comfortable if you travel light. Air travel involves a lot of walking, sometimes running, while carrying all of your stuff. Not having too much to carry makes that much less stressful.

It also reduces the risk that you will forget something somewhere. And you won’t have to fight for the last space in the overheard compartment.

5. Bring things to entertain yourself

Plane journeys are long. And, while most long-haul flights and a lot of short-haul flights are equipped with on-board entertainment, you will probably still find yourself with long periods of waiting with nothing to do. To avoid being bored and feeling like your journey will never end, bring something to entertain yourself.

If you are a book person, bring yourself a book (or two, depending how long your flight is and how fast you read) or download one on your e-reader. If you are a movie person, make sure to have movies downloaded on your phone/tablet/computer.

This advice is even more important if you have kids. Your flight will definitely not be comfortable if you have to deal with bored kids the whole time.

Plane journeys do not have to be daunting. A few simple tricks can make your travel more comfortable and allow you to get to your destination without feeling too stressed or tired. Choosing your seats ahead of time ensures you are in a space that is most comfortable for you. Bringing a refillable water bottle and snacks means that you won’t feel thirsty and dehydrated during your journey, even if you have short transit times. To avoid feeling too cold or too warm as you navigate different environments, wear layers. Avoid carrying too many things so that you don’t feel burdened or risk losing things on your travels. And make sure to bring your favourite entertainment to make the flight fly by quickly.

Have a great flight!

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