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Building a Community When You Move OUTCAN

Shannon Kenney

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

three people sitting at a table chatting over a cup of coffee

Moving to a new country can be exciting but it’s not always rainbows and butterflies, things can get tricky sometimes! Moving abroad means leaving behind familiar surroundings and adapting to a new culture, lifestyle, and environment. This can be both thrilling and overwhelming at the same time.

One of the keys to making the transition as smooth as possible is to build a community and find your place in your new community. This can involve making new friends, participating in local events, taking second language classes and finding ways to stay connected to the familiar things you love. Many communities have local expat communities that could enable you to have the social connections you need. It may be the first time that your common connection with people is not the military. There may not be other Canadian military members and families living in your location so this adds another layer to adjusting to your new home and building a community.

Here are some additional tips:

BE ACTIVE ONLINE - This is a big one. Facebook and Instagram can be an incredible asset. Your local groups are a great way to meet people. Many expat groups are full of others who are new or just looking for friends, so it’s a great way to meet people in a way that is low-effort.

KNOW YOURSELF AND BE HONEST - If you’re not an extravert, it’s tougher making new friends as you really need to find the energy to meet new people. Many events tend to be loud, chaotic, and crowded, so if you’re not good with groups, avoid these events as they might not be the best way to meet people.

JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE IS FROM THE SAME COUNTRY DOESN’T MEAN THAT YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN COMMON - Find friends that you have common interests with is the most important thing. Being Canadian shouldn’t be the only thing you have in common.

START A NEW HOBBY OR SPORTING ACTIVITY - A lot of people have hobbies or activities that they love and it can be the single best way to meet people. Don’t be afraid to break out of your shell.

IT’S OKAY IF YOU ONLY DO CERTAIN ACTIVITIES TOGETHER AND YOU DON’T NEED TO SEE EACH OTHER CONSTANTLY - Not everyone has to be your best friend–and honestly, it’s fine if you see each other in a specific circumstance. It doesn’t mean that you’re not friends, but you have interests in common and choose to spend time together.

Opening yourself up to all these different possibilities gives you the option to greatly broaden your horizons and experiences. Remember sometimes you may be living outside of your comfort zone! However, these new experiences during your time OUTCAN can positively change your mindset, values, and beliefs, offering you alternative ways to look at the things around you. Immersing yourself in another country’s culture offers the chance for you to meet people from all kinds of backgrounds and allows for unique experiences.

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