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Daphne Brake

Five tips for an easier quarantine with kids!

We moved from Belgium to Ottawa into an AirbNb on the Gatineau side because we were able to get a bigger space for a reasonable price in order to be comfortable during quarantine. I suggest anyone with kids to skip the long-term hotel stay if at all possible, since not having a yard to walk around in would make for an uncomfortable two weeks. The cost was more than the allowance, but it’s worth it to be “out of pocket” for the extra cost since you’ll be there a while, especially if you are doing your HHT after COS.

1. Time Change is a nightmare!

One thing that helped us in our move is preparing the kids for the time change. We let bedtime routines go out the window before we moved so it wasn’t as hard of an adjustment. It was a six-hour time change for us. We managed to make up the first three hours of the very first day and a half hour each day following until they were back to normal. Those first few days are going to be a little rough sleep wise. Breakfast at 4 am anyone?

2. FOOD!

Research what apps, restaurants and grocery stores deliver to you and when. The anticipation you will feel while waiting for your grocery store truck to pull up for delivery is like waiting for Santa to arrive on Christmas eve! Plus, you might want to know who will deliver poutine at 11 am or 11 pm for all those Canadian cravings that might come!

3. Pack a suitcase of crafts or toys.

I went to Action (the local dollar type store) and purchased a whole suitcase of craft supplies and craft kits. Most stores of this type in Canada won’t deliver to your door but you could always order from Amazon once there. These kept my kids busy for hours. I packed markers, glue and scissors as well.

4. Tub and shower toys.

Our rental had a large tub and corner shower. I was not prepared for their fascination with the bath. PACK TUB TOYS! They ended up using kitchen tools and whatever empty containers we had on hand. I never knew how much fun you could have with a ladle and a sandwich container!

5. Talk about quarantine, ALOT!

Talk about it upfront. Talk about it so the kids know the isolation is going to happen. So, they know that for two weeks they cannot leave the property. Make a game out of trying not to leave you current property for one whole day. Talk about it until it feels normal and feels like no big deal. Tell them about ordering groceries online, ordering McDonalds to be delivered to your door! How cool!!

This is just another adventure on your journey as a military family!

Daphne Brake,

Mom of three (9 and under) and former OUTCAN military spouse


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