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  • Ophélie Paquet

How to Make the Most Out of Spring in Europe

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

spring forest

It’s officially Spring! While in Canada, spring weather is often months away, in Europe, spring is truly in the air. The cold, dark days of winter are behind us. It’s time to make the most out of spring, which is one of the most magical seasons in Europe. Here’s how!

1. Spend time outside

In spring, the weather slowly improves. While it is a rainy season in many parts of Europe, there are still lots of sunshine and warmer temperatures.

Spring also means longer days. Following the winter solstice, the days progressively get longer and it becomes obvious in spring when the sun rises early and sets late. Longer days mean more time to explore outside.

Spring in Europe also means we start to see flowers and lush greenery again. Through walks during the season, it is possible to observe the progressive reawakening of the natural world. Start by spotting snow drops, then daffodils, followed by tree blossoms and tulips. In Southern Europe, the mimosas bloom. Once the blossoms fall, the leaves come back and the world turns greener and greener.

With warmer weather, longer days, and the incredible beauty of nature, spring is a great time to go on walks, hikes, bike rides, picnics, etc.

2. Travel Spring might be one of the best times of the year to travel. It’s not peak travel season, which means that popular destinations are much less crowded, and prices tend to be lower as well.

The weather isn’t as nice as summer but, for some destinations, that can be an advantage. For example, the Southern Europe tends to get very, very warm in the summer, which can make exploring and visiting uncomfortable. It’s much less warm in spring, which can make the experience more pleasant.

A lot of people get time off for Easter too, which is a great time to take a trip.

3. Go to a spring festival

Spring is a time of celebration. Throughout history, we have taken inspiration of nature’s reawakening in spring and celebrated this renewal. This history has led to the creation of numerous spring festivals across Europe, including the Tulip Festival in Holland, the Fallas Festival in Spain, and Frülingsfest in Germany. Spring festivals celebrate the many bounties of spring, including the beauty of spring flowers and the delicious spring cuisine.

So, look for a local spring festival or use this as an excuse to travel to one of these countries, and discover a new area of Europe at the same time. 4. Eat delicious food

Flowers are not the only thing that start to grow in spring. The warmer days, the rain, and the sunshine of spring bring with them some delicious produce such as strawberries, asparagus, and artichokes. Spring cuisine is bright and fresh and that feels incredible after months of winter.

Look for local spring produce at your supermarket, farmer’s market, or in your own garden! There is nothing more magical than eating the first strawberry of the year that you grew yourself.

Spring is a time of rebirth and celebration. The weather, scenery, and traditions in Europe contribute to making this season a truly magical time. Whether it’s your first or last spring on this beautiful continent, make the most of it. Go for a walk and look for daffodils, blossoms, and buds. Go buy the first strawberries and asparagus of the season. Take advantage of cheaper and less crowded travel to go to a spring festival and celebrate this season.

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