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  • Indu Mahlman

OUTCAN - A remote family experience

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

The phrase I would describe our OUTCAN experience is expect the unexpected. As a family posted remotely, we have learnt quite a bit since our pandemic move last October and I hope our experience might be a positive encouragement for your families for the adventure ahead.

Before your move or once you have arrived at your location I would really suggest doing research of the town you are living in and see what comforts of home you can find in that town, whether that be a yoga class, recreational sports teams, social clubs (book, knitting etc.) because it’s really a great way to meet people and have some of the same routine you would have had back home.

Another suggestion to really feel settled and thrive in your environment is to explore your town and the surrounding cities or counties once all the unpacking madness is over. Get to know your neighbours because the locals are your best resources to find out what places to see and what places to avoid, recommendations for childcare, the best place to go out for a meal, best place to get a haircut etc. Both sets of our neighbours have welcomed us from the start and have let us know of all the local gems to visit we would have not known about otherwise. It also helps when they all somehow have a connection to Canada; the running joke now is how many of our neighbours have a Canadian connection.

Take advantage of the programming that is offered through MFS or PSP, it really helped being connected to the Canadian community while being a remote family and during lockdown it was an added bonus to meet people virtually, especially when you are so far away from home. My favourite program is the free postal service through the holiday season because we loved getting care packages from back home especially when we didn’t travel back for the holidays and we may have relied on it to get our favourite goods such as KD and ketchup chips (for all the KD lovers you can order through amazon and send it to the PO box in Belleville, outside of the free shipping period with Canada Post).

Finding employment as a spouse when we move so much is already hard back home and it might be even harder in the community you live in especially if it is a smaller city. You may not find positions or jobs in your field but I found that during this period of unemployment I was able to do all the things I didn’t have time for when I was working. It also allowed me to be more present and be engaged with our local area. The key for me was to find a purpose and a routine so I wouldn’t feel isolated. During this brief period of unemployment it is also great way to get additional qualifications whether to enhance your resume or just to expand your horizons. You can also find volunteer opportunities in your local community or with MFS(E) UK and it would be a terrific way to meet new people and make friends.

I hope these insights will help and give you an idea of what you can do to make you OUTCAN experience the best it can be and personally even with COVID we have enjoyed our time so far and if we had to do it again we would do it in a heartbeat.


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