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Kristy Fallon

The gift of being present

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

gifts wrapped in paper

The rush of the holidays has already begun with gifts to buy and events to attend. In the busyness of the season, it is easy to get carried away and forget to take time to be present. I invite you to consider these tips to make the most of the season and create lasting memories.

1 – Be choosy

Pick what you do with care. After all, we only live each moment once, so don’t be afraid to decline an invite or skip another holiday event. Instead, be meaningful in what you choose to do and with whom. Being choosy will make sure you have warm memories of this holiday season.

2 – Put the phones away

It can be so easy to pick up our phones or tablets and get lost in the nothingness of social media or the Internet for hours on end. It can be a great escape, but does it add value? Will you remember next year what reel you were watching on Instagram? Probably not, but you might remember playing Monopoly with your kids or strolling through a magical Christmas market with your partner.

3 – Embrace the weather

For most Canadians, this is a no-brainer. For this fair west coaster though, this is something I constantly remind myself. The weather may get colder in the winter months, but it comes with other little joys too. The crunching of the leaves or the crust on the snow, our breath in the air – these are all little things to be appreciated.

4 - Take in your surroundings

We live in an age where being bored or still seems like a waste of time. If we are bored, we turn to our phones quite quickly. We tune out the world with our favourite playlist on a walk. In these moments, we lose touch with the world around us. We miss hearing the birds or the chance to say hi and smile to the woman who is having a hard day. We miss moments for connection. I challenge you to forget the distractions and just be in the moment.

5 – Don’t be afraid to try something new

What a gift a posting can be. It gives us a chance to try new experiences or comfortable experiences in a new location. It is easy to say no to new opportunities – something out of the norm – but ever so brave to say yes. Know that you might suck at something new at first. That’s okay. Stick it out, and the rewards can be so great. You will create memories and may find something you love or may even make a new friend.


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