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Jessica Thibault

Tips and tricks for your next family photoshoot

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

family sitting together laughing

1 - Research photographers

With all the photographers to choose from, make sure you find a photographer whose style you like. Look at the poses. Are the families posed, is it more lifestyle photography or a combination of the two? Is it indoors or outdoors? Do you like their editing style? Look at the skin texture and tones and the general colors in the photos.

2 - Stay within your budget

Now that you have figured out what style you like and hopefully found a few photographers in your area, think about your budget. Family photos are an investment that you may have to save up for, but they shouldn’t break the bank. Although we may all dream of getting our photos taken by a high-end photographer in our area, if it is too much of a stretch on your finances, it will cause a lot of stress and it could make the experience very negative for you. So set a budget and find a photographer that suits your style and budget. If your budget is low look for up-and-coming photographers. There is a lot of new talent out there, and although their work may be a little less consistent, they can still do a great job of documenting your family.

3 – Set the right expectations

It is so important to know what you are getting into, so ask all the questions. Are you getting prints or digital files? Will there be a logo? How long is your session? How many photos will you get? What is their turn around time? What kind of session did you book? If you decided on a lifestyle session, don’t expect to have too many photos that are posed and everyone is looking at the camera. If you book a documentary session, expect to show the nitty gritty of your everyday life!

4 – Have fun!

Going into it in with the right mindset can make such a difference in the general outcome of your photos. If your significant other doesn’t like to smile for the camera, don’t force it. If your kids are a little wild, expect a little wildness in your photoshoot. Try to approach it as a family adventure. Oh, and parents, let go and try to relax, yes you may have to do a little discipline, but don’t tell your kids constantly where to look and to smile. This will just result in pictures of you pointing, talking and looking away. So please relax, try to have fun and show the love you have for each other. The photographer will know how to guide you, hopefully coax a few smiles but more importantly, they will capture you as you are!

5 - Style your family

You are investing time and money for these family portraits so take a little time to style your outfits. Many photographers will have advice and may even have a client wardrobe you can pick from. If they don’t here are two of my favorite tricks:

  • Google Colour Palettes: This is a great way to see what colours work well together and help you style your outfits. Pick one that has a couple neutrals, a little pop of colour or two and that you can pull from your already existing wardrobe.

  • Pick one of your favorite prints: Go into your closet and pick one of your favourite prints. Then pull colours from that to coordinate the rest of the family. Don’t be afraid to use different textures and some neutrals.

6 - Don’t over analyze yourself

Family photos are usually about showing connection and love. We want to document what your family looked like at that point in time. My favorite photos are usually the ones where everyone is in a fit of laughter. Yes, the double chins are usually out, some eyes are closed, some mouths are about to swallow me hole, but the picture radiates love and beauty. If you have major insecurities about your body image, let your photographer know. They can give you tips to position your body to minimize some things. Although this is hard for a lot of us, try not to focus on those insecurities, remember that your family finds you beautiful as you are and try to see the bigger picture.

7 – Show up prepared

Don’t be afraid to pack a few extra things to bring to your session. A few snacks (that won't get your outfits dirty) and some water can go a long way to change the mood. Creating a playlist with all your families' favorites songs can also work wonders on cranky kids and dare I say it (sometimes) spouses! Make sure you dress for the weather but also bring a few extra layers of clothing or a blanket, just in case. Finally, if you have younger kids that have a comfort item, consider bringing it along. You may not love that item in your photos, but if it is the only thing that gets your child in a good mood at that point in time, you'll be glad you had it.

8 – Print your photos

I know we live in a digital world, but I find I get WAY more out of my investment when I print my photos.

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