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  • Annik Faucher

Travelling without leaving home? It is possible ... and even very enjoyable!

With the pandemic, back to school and the end of vacation and summer, here are some ideas for getting away from it all, in the comfort of your own home.

1 - Make Photo Albums of Your Previous Trips

Now is a good time to bring your family together, sort through your photos and make a special travel album! You will travel through your memories and relive moments of pure happiness.

2 - Read a Book, Learn About The World, Keep Travelling

Now is also a good time to read books that let you get away from it all.

Our advice? Read personal stories or travel novels ... some suggestions (by National Geographic).

3 - Watch Documentaries, Reports or Films That Will Make You Travel

Watch travel reports, documentaries or films. So you can escape and disconnect.

To help you in your choices, here are some Netflix suggestions.

4 - Try Recipes From Around The World

And yes, the cuisine will make you travel the world! What could be better than traveling thanks to your taste buds? Now is the right time to get down to cooking and try your hand at cooking elsewhere ... Couscous to travel to the Maghreb, Fajitas to go to Mexico ...

5 - Plan Your Next Trip

It's never too early to plan your next trip. Document yourself about your next vacation, plan all the activities and things you want to do, make room for your imagination: you have time for that!

6 - Travel With Google Maps

You can also travel very easily with Google Maps. It’s a really powerful app that lets you tour the whole world and fly over your dream destination up close with thousands of larger-than-life photos!

7- Visit Virtual Museums

It is also possible to visit museums from your sofa. For example, the MoMa or the Louvre Museum have this kind of tool with which it is possible to visit and admire the various masterpieces. 10 virtual tours of museums (visits are available in French and English).



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