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Using Coupons and Finding Deals, Sales, Vouchers, and Offers

Hilary May

Updated: May 29, 2023

toy shopping cart on a yellow background with shopping bags hovering over

Living abroad can be expensive, this is especially true if you’re in Europe and the UK. Finding deals, however, is quite easy and there are lots of ways to make your money go further. Here are a few tips for finding deals in the UK.

Groceries and everyday items

Like at home, pretty much every grocery store will have a membership you can get for free. I have one for Tesco and one for Waitrose as these are closest for me. They offer different benefits. I shop online at Tesco for my dry goods and household items (toilet paper, cleaning products, toiletries, pasta, canned goods, etc.) This saves me time and the nice delivery man carries all the items up the steep flight of steps to my house. Because I have registered online with Tesco, they give me points for my shopping. Every so often I get coupons on the mail that I can use in store or online. They vary from deals on specific products to offers like ₤10 off on a shop of ₤100 or more. Tesco also give you cash vouchers that you can use against purchases (I basically got a food processor for about ₤10 by using all my vouchers at once). The vouchers can also be used to buy tickets to attractions like the London Eye, London Dungeon, etc and they are a great deal.

With Waitrose, you get a free coffee/tea and newspaper of your choice if your order exceeds a minimum amount (right now I think it’s ₤10). I don’t find I get coupons or deals with Waitrose like I do with Tesco but I like their fresh produce and meat better than Tesco, and I can walk to my closest Waitrose in about 20 minutes so it gets me some fresh air and exercise.

Attractions and shows f you are looking to go to a musical or theatre performance in London, there are many last minutes websites where you can find deals, especially for matinees and weekday shows. Leicester Square has loads of booths selling tickets at a discount if you are already in London. Many websites will send email alerts if you want to know when certain shows are being offered. Google is a wonderful thing! Charity Shops Many charities in the UK have shops selling donated items. (Cancer UK, Barnardos, etc) If you have turned your nose up at charity or second hand shops in the past, now is the time to give them another look! Unlike in Canada, where many people only go to Value Village for a Halloween costume, charity shops in the UK, and especially in areas that are well-to-do, can be a treasure trove for deals and finds. Brands like Coach, French Connection and others can be found in charity shops. Housewares and furniture that have been refurbished and upcycled are also widely available. Ask around in your area. I have bought furniture, fabric, curtains, Denby pottery, silver and more at charity and second hand shops. Checking out these shops can be a fun and affordable day out, and it’s good for the environment to recycle, reuse and repurpose rather than buying new.

Happy bargain hunting!

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